SCOTT CORLEY offers clients a unique comprehensive understanding of policy and political decision-making, having worked in the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, at a top trade association, and for a fortune 50 corporation. A recognized and respected government affairs professional, his work includes a wide range of policy issues including telecommunications, competition, workforce, tax, health information technology, and trade policy.
Prior to co-founding Corley Consulting, Scott served for five years as Director of Government Affairs for Microsoft Corporation.In this capacity, Scott focused the majority of his efforts on outreach in the United States Senate, covering broad policy topics including, privacy, cloud computing, health information technology, wireless and wire line Internet regulation, mergers and acquisitions, tax, trade, and more. As such, Scott’s work touched all aspects of the Senate, including the Senate Leadership as well as the Finance, Judiciary, Commerce, HELP, Budget and Appropriations Committees. An advocate for highly skilled workforce development, Scott also served as the lead lobbyist for Microsoft’s top legislative priority, highly skilled immigration reform, playing a lead role within the technology industry in the development and negotiation of reform provisions in targeted efforts in both the House and Senate as well as both the 2006 and 2007 immigration reform debates.
From 2003 until 2005, Scott was Director of Government Relations for the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), serving as the lead for the Commerce, Workforce, and Health Information Technology Committees. At ITI, Scott was actively engaged in promoting a pro-technology, pro-growth agenda representing the diverse views of the world’s largest technology companies. In his capacity as Commerce lead, Scott was instrumental in modifying pro-regulatory Internet bills and provisions, helping advance the trust and integrity of the online environment among lawmakers while preserving the freedom and flexibility of the Internet as a platform for social, commercial, and medical interaction. In his Workforce role, Scott helped develop a coordinated industry response to growing concerns within Congress over globalization and US jobs.
Scott also has served as a senior staffer in both the United States Senate and House of Representatives. Before joining ITI, Scott worked for Senator George Allen (R-VA), then Chairman ofboth the Science, Tech, and Space Subcommittee within the Commerce Committee as well as the Senate Republican High Tech Task Force. Scott served as Allen’s Senior Technology Advisor in both capacities as well as the Senator’s health policy advisor. While in the Senate, Scott was instrumental in passing the first extension of the Internet Tax Freedom Act. Before crossing over to the Senate, Scott was Representative Jim Rogan’s (R-CA) Legislative Director and Energy & Commerce Committee staffer, covering all domestic issues for the Rogan office, including telecom, healthcare, social security, the environment, education, and energy.
A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Scott received his B.A. in Political Science at Baylor University and hisMasters in Economics from Johns Hopkins University. While working in Congress and in his role at ITI and Microsoft, Scott was a featured speaker on topics ranging from Internet tax to collective bargaining for doctors to federal education funding at national and local events such as the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and the Los Angeles County Medical Association.
Scott and was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas. His father, Dr. Bruce Corley, is President of BH Carroll Theological Institute in Arlington, TX. His mother, Linda, is a retired school teacher.